
Post 7: My best friend

For me it is complicated to talk about this type of friendship, because I don't think in positions of friendship as if friendship was a competition. Although I can say that I've got friends more or less close to me. The friendship was born in different ways, places and moments of our libes and many times when the people (including me) grow up and change its social enviroment many friendship are lost. Thinking about it, I believe that I have had different close friends with the pass of the time. At present my friend closer to me is Francisco. He is a very dear person. I met him at the university, in second semester in the first year of the career (He is also studying Administración pública). He is a year older than me and since we met we celebrate our birthdays together. On the other hand, we talk our personal problems and  we always find possible solutions. About likes, tates or preferences of music, food, or sports we rarely think the same, but  that is ok, because we oft

Post 5: My future job

Hello classmates! Today I gonna talk about what I would to do after of finish the carreer in the short term and long term. Firts that all, I would like take the major of "Gestión Pública" because I have dreamed with be a great leader, director or any authority with power and responsability of take decisions for make changes that people need. I think that this way of Gestión Pública, helps me to learn habilities and administrative knowledge necessary for make any organization achieve your goals and mission. I'm aware that achieving this dream will be complicated but no impossible. I know that my first job will be far from any management position like a president, director or boss of some department. In the long term, I have always wanted to be a Mayor of Maipú, the town where I have lived since that I was born. I would like be a Major because who wants to be a Mayor must be chosen democratically for the citizens and on the other hand, the decisions that I will

Post 4: my favorite tv series

The truth is that I don't watch tv since a lot of years ago, because I don't really like them. I prefer  to watch series on plataforms like Netflix or I search specific tv show on internet, because in this way I can watch a marathon of episodes in my free time. The last tv shows or tv series that I watched was "Vikings" and "Peaky Blinders" but I didn't finish them, I didn't reach to the last season of both. I didn't feel a need to do it .... Mmm maybe the tv series was not for me, I lost the motivation to continue the story. I have never fallen in love with tv series:( . In fact, I didn't finish "Breaking Bad" considered one of the best tv series from the last decade!! Something is wrong with me. About it, I prefer another kínd of series, where the protagonist or heroe isn't a actor or actress, where the story in many times is not related to the real life, where the possible facts are far away from achieving in the real

post 3: A person I would like to meet

Ana Tijoux She is a Chilean - French rap singer. She is the daughter of Chilean parents, but was born in France, where she lived for 20 years. Her parents were exiled by the military dictatorship of General Pinochet. With the return to democracy in Chile, she returns with her family to stay permanently. Her musical career in rap began strongly in 1997 with the group Makiza, where she stood out for her voice and lyrics. Then, since 2006, she began her solo career, which is characterized by many recognitions and achievements. She has been nominated many times to the Grammy Awards, being the Chilean with more nominations, but unfortunately she has never won. However, she has shared musical works with great artists, such as Julieta Venegas and Molotov. Also for her albums "1977" (2009), "La bala" (2011) and "Vengo" (2014), has been recognized by artists such as Iggy Pop and international magazines such as The New York Times or Rolling Stones for the

blog 2: my favourite concert

There was one concert that I really liked, it wasn’t just a concert of one musician though, it was more like a festival called “Fonda Permanente” since there were a lot of other bands playing as well in 3 different stages, therefore there was also a big mix in music styles (cumbia, ska, reggae, rap, etc). This festival took place on May 1st, last year in Club Hipico, it started quite early and lasted pretty much all day. However, I was there the whole day, I had a good time, there were a lot of food trucks and even alcohol, the only problem was that alcohol was very expensive. It was a very fun experience considering I got to listen to some of my favorite’s bands like Guachupé and Santaferia, even the international ones like The Skatalites or Celso Piña , eat and drink in the same place, surrounded by people who enjoyed doing and listening to the same stuff. Sadly, it seems like this year there won’t be another edition of this festival since the producer company has had some issues

Post 1: A country I like to visit

I would like to visit México, for different reasons. It is located in the North of America. One of these reasons is the history and monuments of  Mayan, Aztecan culture. I would like to have a tour in its "lost cities " and stay near its temples that I think are one the most beautiful construccions in the world. I like the beaches of the Pacific Coast, specifically the Riviera Maya. I really like the idea of swimming and practice diving .  In the south of this country pueblos indigenas live, they keep their traditional life, like before  the Spanish arrived to the continent. They keep alive their prehispanic culture! And I want to know them in person.  On the other hand, México is the land of famous singers, like Juan Gabriel, Vicente Fernandez or Antonio Aguilar. Also there was born the mariachis culture, that spread across highly in Chile, through the movies like "La ley del monte" of Vicente Fernandez.  In the near future I would like to study in one of


Hi everyone, my name is Agustín Garrido. I'am 20 years old. I'm studing Administracion Publica. This blog is for English IV class. I hope to learn to write and speak without fear or shame, because these are my weaknesses. My  strengths is reading and listening because nowdays I watch a lot of tv series with subtittles from Netflix. That is all!